Problems with HPC Laser
Update Aug 2016 : It has been requested that I clarify my current situation. After this post was written I continued to have problems with HPC that I decided not to blog about for fear of inflaming the situation. The problems with my laser were never resolved and I started to look for an alternate supplier to buy my next laser cutter. 6 months down the line Dominic and I decided that we could import our own laser cutters direct from China and offer a better service to the hobbyist market. We formed the company Just Add Sharks and my personal laser cutting adventure continued with the help of an A1 Whitetooth laser as documented here in this blog. This blog post shall remain for historical reasons, the date the post was written should be taken in to consideration when looking at any company review. Original : For quite a long time now I've been trying not to say bad things about HPC laser. It's well known amongst the maker community that their customer s...