
Showing posts from October 28, 2018

Long overdue cake parts

I found some images of some very overdue projects, these projects came in while I was in the middle of my kickstarter fulfilment  and absolutely sucked up every last moment of my time. I even ended up taking a pile of parts on holiday with me just to get them completed in time, definitely a mistake I won't be repeating. It's a collection of 20 owl heads , and 55 remote control cars , 200 hours of work with a 4 week deadline, with one week on holiday and kids home for the holidays. :(

Wine Bottle Gift Boxes

I had a local craft fair this weekend, I wanted to add a few extra/new items to my range so that my stall would be very different from last time. I've seen lots of variations on this wine box so I thought I would make my own version. The living hinges at the top allow the sides to be pulled close and the lid closed, it also a great place to put a handle. The fretwork patterns down the sides make them unique to me as well as the custom labels attached to the side. ( svg here ) I didn't sell very many and I'm not sure any were going to be used as wine bottle boxes, one lady wanted to put plants in it and another was going to put fairy lights in hers. Neither wanted the the custom labels so I'm pleased they were only held on with blue tak. It's definitely given me food for thought with the next craft faire looming.

The most wonderful time of the year

By which I mean Halloween of course, I seem to have missed a few of the previous years but now that the kids can carve their own pumpkins it was fun to do it again.