
Showing posts from May 3, 2020

Scythe Factory Time Lapse

We've played a bit of the Scythe board game recently and even though the factory tile in the middle is an important location, it's rather overlooked because it's just a different coloured hex. This factory model sits on the centre hex and gives a sense of the importance it deserves. ( stl here ) In case you're wondering how I got that 90 degree twist in the time lapse video, there are no special tricks I just printed it pointing in a bad direction first and because I know more than one person who owns the game I decide I would just reprint it pointing in a better direction. This does however give me some interesting ideas about time lapses in the future. For now my next stop will be to modify Octolapse to take some more of the manual work out of time lapse generation.

E-knuff time has passed

It's been a long time since I made that pun and shared this file, I'm probably safe to use it again. My kids have been getting subscriptions to their magazines for a while now and it's great during lock down, each week a comic arrives and takes their minds completely elsewhere. They've now got so many comics they need something to store them in so I looked back at my previous Knuff design and hurried to cut them out.  Clearly a lot changes in 5 years and there are better things I do to present the file but most significantly when I recut the files this time around they still didn't work, now the whole thing has been updated, checked, rechecked and demonstrated to be working. ( svg here )

Iron Man Bust

I ran a 3D print for an Iron man bust last night. It's a good test of the timelapse rig again which is now working nicely but also good practice for painting techniques. The 3D print is still covered in ridges but the iron man suit should be nice and smooth so I'll need to figure that out. I have a feeling the the model on this one wasn't watertight because there is an oddity at the back of the head and most of the top seems to be filled with support material rather than infill. ( stl here )

25kg of Puzzles

I've never really had to consider puzzles by weight before but the recent order for Puzzle Master was so large I was concerned that it was going to be too heavy for standard shipping services. In the end it clocked in at around 25kg and was all packed nicely into a custom cardboard box. At the same time reduced price  strandbeest  from yesterdays post were flying out the door too and 40 of those have shipped in just one day, I'm totally out of electronic parts for the time being but hoping a restock will come quickly. It was a crazy 24 hours but at least I'm still busy with work (and home schooling) which is a relief. Hope you're all coping too.

Reduced Strandbeest Prices

I just found boxes of kits packed in the loft ready for EMF camp , I was 6 months ready this time around. For a limited time now they'll be available at reduced EMF prices from my store instead.