
Showing posts from July 8, 2012

Rube Goldberg Trigger

There is a large Rube Goldberg project in about to start (more details to follow). In preparation for that we needed an easy to activate trigger that could be set off in a number of different ways. I came up with this design that creates a large amount of force when activated but needs a minimal amount of force to trigger it (all of the holding force is passed through the frame rather than the latch). The ability to turn the trigger through different angles means that it can be pulled, pushed, lifted or dropped to activate. ( svg here ) 254/271

Panel Joinery 18

Snaps can be added to the joint to prevent them allow it to clip in an out easily. 253/271

Panel Joinery 17

Mortice and tenon joints can also be biased. 252/270

Panel Joinery 16

The mortice and tenon joint can be split into multiple tabs and slots 251/269

Panel Joinery 15

A simple mortice and tenon joint. This is the one I use in most of my designs already, the shoulder allows the piece to slot in and not go too far through the hole. 250/269

Panel Joinery 14

I'm working on a few 'secret' projects right now, which is fun and interesting but doesn't leave me much to post so it's back to the joinery for the time being. I know these are less interesting but it's allowed me to catch up and frees me up to work on the better items. 249/269

Chew-Write Pencil

Ever since I did the previous laser cut pencil I've wanted to do more but I just can't find plain wooden pencils to buy. Help me lazy web if anyone knows where I can get plain unbranded pencils the please let me know ( ) 248/266

Minimal Useless Machine

In preparation for my useless workshop (Make your own useless machine) I put together the smallest unit of useless machine possible. This can then be inserted into a box of your choosing. This kit can be purchased through my shop  here 247/266

Yet another new bench

So you leave 2 benches alone in a room and they multiply. I actually switched the contents of the shed and the garage today (and weirdly both looked emptier after it was done). I had my row of crates lined up against the wall and I was about to move an old shelving rack and I realised it could be re purposed as a work surface, a quick bit of DIY later and I now have a standing height desk which can hold my crates under it.  

Spiderman Cards Sale


Amazing Spider Man Card 2

The logo from amazing spider mans chest. The fine webbing here is just 1mm thick ( svg here ) 246/265

Amazing Spider Man Card

Taken from the new amazing spider man film, you'll notice it's subtly different to the one from yesterday ( svg here ) 245/265