
Showing posts from December 4, 2011

Really useless machine

These have been kicking around for a while now but a friend just discovered them so I made her one for her birthday. This one uses a variant of the the living hinge design I saw on the MAKE blog . It uses a standard size servo, I removed the controller board, patched directly in to the motor and modified the servo for continuous rotation. It is powered by 3x AA batteries so it should last a while, which is convenient because I got too excited and glued the box shut before I figured out how I was going to change them. If I make another I would use magnets to hold the lid firmly closed until the arm comes out. ( svg here ) 18th Dec 2011: Now available for sale, a little bit smaller than this one but functionally and aesthetically the same. This kit can be purchased through my shop  here

Rubber Ducky Snowflake

A special request from a friend, a rubber ducky snowflake.

Plain Snowflake

I think calling it plain is under selling it a little, I like it and think it's quite pretty. I also did a quick spray paint test to see if the details lines showed through, good news they do.

Santa Lamp

I made this lithophane christmas lamp for the instructables calender so it even comes with full instructions .

Tyreal Lamp

I've made paper lithophanes before  but now I have a laser cutter to do all the hard work. I made this lithophane featuring Tyreal from Diablo II from some fan art I found online  ( svg here )


I thought I'd group all my snowflakes into one single post, there may be more in the future but here are the first links for these designs. The snowflakes are all Ā£5 for 4 with Ā£2 for worldwide P&P Star wars Collection: 1x Vader, 1x Boba Fett, 1x Storm Troopers, 1x Clone Trooper  Build you own army with this set of storm troopers, 4x Storm Troopers Build you own army with this set of clone troopers, 4x Clone Troopers Transformers: 2x Autobots, 2x Decepticons Custom mix: I'll happily make up a mix of any of those designs, just don't forget to include a note to tell me which ones you want.

Snowflake - Transformers

Having seen the star wars snowflakes a friend asked me if I could make some transformers snowflakes, using the autobots and decepticons symbols. These designs are cut on my laser and the patterns are available here for download. Autobots Snowflake ( svg here ) Decepticon Snowflake ( svg here )