Make your own Iron Man Arc
I will be running an Iron man arc reactor workshop at Nottingham Hackspace on Wednesday 13th of June. Wednesday nights are open hack night which means it's free entry to non members, and I have sufficient numbers of kits to cope with the demand so booking is not required. Simply turn up, speak to the person with the duck or come and find me (I'll be wearing an arc reactor) and I'll start you off making your very own arc reactor. Kits will be Ā£15, instead of the usual Ā£23 and will include full tuition in how to assemble the arc. You'll be able choose either the Mk2 or the MkV designs. As a bonus the kit include 100g of Polymorph thermo plastic (37g required) and you'll get the opportunity to press your own plastic details using my moulds. Finally, if you'd like to make the kit but don't have the money I will buy back any completed kits. The Hackspace is open and the workshop starts from 6.30pm, hope to see you there. (Pretty cool even when...