Well that was a fairly epic year and another stupid challenge. For anyone just tuning in I set myself the challenge of making 52 large items within 52 weeks. I later went on to define a large item as any project that took 10 hours or more. This was stupid because it added another 10 hours of work a week to my 32 hour day job, 2 small children, busy maker faire/LRP schedule and stream of internet orders. I ended up completing 51 items in 52 weeks (largely due to confusion about dates) and I finished the final item a week later. I realised I'd fallen quite a long way behind in mid August, and I resolved to catch up by finishing things I'd started but that left me needing to complete 3 items a week. I kept the new pace up relatively well so I was a bit disappointed when I discovered the project finished a week sooner than I thought it did. I actually made 5 out of the 6 remaining items in that final week and I genuinely think some of it was my best stuff . My favou...