
Showing posts from August 10, 2014

HyperQBS by Geobender

I saw these HyperQBS from and thought they were very cool so I decided to make one. A 3D model was made, flattened using Pepakura and Laser cut for quick assembly, then it was glued and taped to turn it into a hexaflexagon thingy, I even wrote an instructable about it if you'd like to make your own.

HPC 3060 for sale

So I need to make some room for the next laser which means getting rid of the 3060 machine. It's served me relatively well and with the few improvements I've put on it the extraction works relatively well and you can see what you're cutting. So it'll be going for Ā£2800 hopefully, it's listed on ebay but just contact me directly and we can discuss it.


Continuing the theme of breakages, the remade pumpkin box  exploded last week under the sheet growth of pumpkin within it. I could see the sides bending and meant to do something about it but I've been too busy, when I got back to it again the acrylic box had cracked and the pumpkin is making valid efforts to escape. At least it's a lot more cube shaped than last years efforts . 

Damages and Repairs

There were a few damages after this weekend at the Imagineers Festival. The mitred icosahedron got dropped, that was just glued back together. The engagement ring box  had the hinge snapped a few events ago but somebody pulled all the remaining parts out of box for me. I only just realised that the prototype hinge I made for the large wooden box  would fit in the gap perfectly. A quick cut and shut later and I now have a working box again with a much sturdier lid.