
Showing posts from July 30, 2017

Geometric Embroidery Velocirapter

I think the title just about sums it up, I was looking at some of the Cotton Clara designs and I was inspired to make my own embroidery designs based upon dinosaur shapes. I think they'd make fun little kits for kids.

Lasercut Sugar Cookies

In a slightly strange obsession I've developed I've started trying to cut some edible materials. I've cut gingerbread in the past and it works ok but it's a bit stinky. This was a sugar cookie recipe I tried. As you can probably see immediately there was a big crack appearing on the surface before I even started cutting. The laser seemed to go through it easily and a lot of smoke came out from underneath, a sure sign it cut all the way through, turns out it hadn't though. When I eventually broke the shape out there appears to be a seam running across the middle of the biscuit too which made it snap in half that way. A bit of a failure all round and it was still stinky and didn't taste very nice so time to move onto the next recipe.

Yet More Runes

As I mentioned a lot of games use rune systems, upon seeing my previous runes I was asked to make a set for another game, I wanted to make these more ornate than previous runes so I engraved a pattern onto the base tile and then outlined the rune on top of that (The inside of the rune isn't engraved with the pattern)

Cake Baking

We baked cakes, of course letting Hazel chose something from the Halloween cookbook probably wasn't the best idea but a good time was had by all. They were yummy too.

Currency System

I was asked to envisage a currency system for a futuristic LARP game. I came up with these denominational coins, each value has a different shape and colour to signify it's different value. The number is engraved on the reverse so it adds depth to the token. There are fine details drawn with line art on the top to replicate the intaglio printing found on banknotes. Finally each curved section was made with the same curve, this means each coin can tessellate on it's own sheet to optimise cutting but they also tessellate with the other coins to form more interesting patterns. I tried a couple of different styles with the plastic backing sheet but ultimately I think they work best with the whole thing peeled off before cutting the details.