
Showing posts from December 1, 2019

Ender 2 Screen Upgrade

The screen on the Ender 2 is flat in the electronics box, it's a bit hard to see what's on it when you're not close to it. The next upgrade I chose to implement is this replacement screen mount , again though it was an 11 hour print so another 30 mins drawing and 2 mins laser cutting and I had a nice wooden replacement instead. The unit is fixed to the existing box using the screen mounting holes, the whole screen has to be brought quite a bit further forwards to ensure that it doesn't clash with the X axis when it homes. ( svg here ) 

Ender 2 Tool Tray

One of the early upgrades I found for the Ender 2 was this little tool tray that sits in a gap between the controller and the y axis. I downloaded it and plugged it into Cura and after slicing it told me it was going to take 8 hours to 3D print. As with most of these things I redrew it in 2D, lasercut the parts from sheet materials and assembled it. The whole thing took 30 mins from start to finish, the laser cutting part was less than 1 minute. 8 hours vs 1 minute is a massive difference. ( svg here ) 

Creality Ender 2 3D Printer

Way back in March when my 2nd kickstarter was fully funded and I had a bank account full of money I was directed towards a 3D printer deal that was just too good to pass up. For Ā£100 you could purchase the all metal Creality Ender 2 printer (still available for <Ā£100 from aliexpress). Instead of being a kit this machine only needed minor assembly to make it all functional, I figured I would get it up and running once I had completed fulfilment.  The Ender 2 has a few known issues, the cantilever style arm is prone to droop and the threaded rod for the Z axis is off vertical. The later leads to some issues with printing larger items and one of the first recommended prints is to create a bracket shim for the stepper motor to bring it all back to vertical. With my machine this angle was so pronounced that the thread jammed and the stepper wasn't able to move the Z axis. This left me unable to 3D print a new shim and the whole printer basically spent 6 months on the be...

Cinderella Carriage Cake

It's Panto season and like previous panto seasons it wouldn't feel right without at least one crazy rushed cake contraption. This year the Theatre Royal  are putting on Cinderella so Dawn  decided to make a fancy carriage cake for them. Once I have designed a frame strong enough to hold a massive chunk of cake it only felt right to fit bearings into the wheels and have the cake able to roll along the table. It looks like the cake might have been trying to roll away in this shot. Cake and Public