
Image tolen from the interwebz because I forgot this blog post was scheduled but not completed 3 years ago today I posted my very first Laser Cut Item , a simple card for Kim . I had bought the laser cutter a few weeks earlier and I had decided to embark upon a crazy project to laser cut 365 things in 365 days . Now 3 years on, I've complete the 365 things , the 52 things , made a job from my hobby and started a laser import company that is really taking off. Who knows what I'll be doing this time next year but I can tell you, I'm working on some big projects at the moment. I should be displaying more of the parts for you and I can't wait for this first one to be finished because there will be some awesome pictures. I'm also working on open source controllers for laser cutters and some other nifty little tricks you can do with our lasers so it looks like it's going to be another fun year.