Another one from JTronics, my tip for the night don't use white card for anything that requires handling. Both of these models are now covered in thumb prints. ( svg here ) 348/346
Jtronics has posted some really good models on thingiverse, a small tweak and they were suitable for 1mm material. ( svg here ) For the first time ever I'm actually ahead, watch this space... 347/346
Building upon the previous spray markers I was also asked to do some blast markers. I've spotted an easy update already just by converting this to clear acrylic, will go do that now 346/346
I'm still playing Echo Bazaar and I must have logged in 4-5 times a week for the last year and I only just noticed that the cover image would make a great night light build. Assuming that other people might want these too I'm happy to offer them for sale at Ā£8. They'll come with a 2.5m of USB type A connector so you can buy your own adapter for your country. 345/345
One of my friends is just getting into wargaming again and asked if I could cut out some markers for him to indicate the damage area of weapons the models are firing. Functional if not pretty. 344/345
Inspired by this bat type bunting I set about to recreate it (after all lasers cut multiple objects easily right). Anyway for some reason I couldn't vectorise bitmap and I got frustrated and found a different image instead. The wire loops between the bats looks really good though. (It's never too early to prep for Halloween either) 343/345
Don't worry I'm not about to launch into another series of bookmarks (and the more observant will notice that I already released the pattern for this one ). This is my homage to the design that inspired the other bookmarks, not laser cut but impressive anyway . 342/344
After making the last birdcage I felt I could make something a lot more delicate rather than merely functional. Clearly a 5 sided cage was not the way to go, but it's a step in the right direction. It needs a less pointy roof and I think all the sides should be like the door ( svg here ) 341/344
The final in the series of geometric bookmarks, although it has stirred some more ideas in me. The trouble with these collections is that they could go on forever so I'll call it a day for now. ( svg here ) 340/343