Blink from a webpage

In the previous tutorial we set up a simple web server and responded to incoming HTTP requests with a static web page, this time we're going to have some interaction between the web page and the device. We'll set up a simple web page with a button and when you click that button we'll toggle the LED on the ESP8266. In the setup function we're going to add some additional handlers for incoming URIs. Instead of serving up a simple 'Hello World' text response, this time we're pointing the root URI towards the servePage function, in which we'll create a more detailed HTML response. We've added a second handler for the /args URI and pointed it towards the handleArgs function, this will be used to process the incoming data. Finally we've added an onNotFound handler, this should respond to all other URIs and direct the browser back towards the root homepage. The servePage function still only creates a simple response for the client, but t...