Project #2: Open Source Laser Cutter, Part 2
Now that I have an easy way to switch controllers into my laser it's time to try out some of the different softwares. I'm quite comfortable with Arduino and I've got a fair few of them kicking round my house so that's a good place to start so GRBL is the first controller that sprang to mind. It's a simple G-Code interpreter and there are a myriad of programs that send G-Code out via a serial port. The controller: GRBL is optimised for the AVR328 microcontroller which is typically found in the Arduino Uno so it's very accessible for beginners. The same chip can also be found on the Arduino Nano which can be bought for as little as Ā£2.50 each (which is why I have a box full) so I used one of these instead. The wiring for the blacknose is very simple, There are only X and Y axis, X and Y limit switches, laser power and laser On/Off. GRBL connections are well documented but it's worth noting that I used the Lasermode variant of GRBL which h...