
Showing posts from January 27, 2013

Maker Faire UK 2013

I just had it confirmed that my application to attend the UK Maker Faire 2013 has been successful. The faire runs on April 27th and April 28th, although I intend to go up the day before and come home the day after. I'll be running as MSRaynsford and exhibiting a selection of laser cut items including  marble machines , useless machines , and most importantly a revamped version of Mechanical Donkey Kong If you want to come visit me then I'd recommend the Saturday, the whole event is 3 days before the due date for our second child and I could be dashing off at any moment. Hope to see you there.

Project #12 50 Dogtags

After making up the photo frames from Project #5  I was left with 130 cut outs from the middle of the frames. I always felt like they were dog tag sized and now I have the perfect use for them. A friend wanted some tokens for a group he is organising, the artwork has popped up here before  but this time they are smaller and made with real wood which is much nicer.  12 projects /16 weeks

Malifaux Tokens

And now for some terrible photos of some tokens I made for a game I don't know how to play. Tree drew and asked for these tokens which aid the game Malifuax . I tried to cut them but my laser malfunctioned and it chomped through the only piece of green plastic I had. A few weeks later when I managed to get hold of some more plastic and I finally cut and shipped them for him, forgetting to check to see if my photos were actually visible.