ESP8266 File System

While I still try to get my head around the two different DNS servers I thought it was about time to write another tutorial. In this tutorial I'm going to discuss the use of the Serial Peripheral Interface Flash File System (SPIFFS). This handy library lets you store files on the flash memory of the device. So instead of having to construct a HTML string as a response to a request we can serve up a standard web page. To use SPIFFS you need to include the file "fs.h" at the top of the program and in the setup function you need to start the SPIFFS library using the 'begin' function. This initialises the library and allows you to access any files that are contained within the flash memory. For the purpose of debugging I tend to loop through the file system to list all the files contained on the device. The following lines of code retrieve a reference to the directory structure and then outputs all the files names to the serial port. Finally we need to put...