Newcastle Maker Faire 2014

Newcastle Maker Faire 2014, was my first maker faire of the year. Being the UK Maker Faire it always has a pretty good turnout and this is my fourth year in attendance. This year I went under the guise of Just Add Sharks, our company that sells laser cutters. We took along a Blacknose laser cutter set up to run the Etch a Sketch laser cutter so that people could see it for real and have a play with it.

We were incredibly well received by the community. A number of other makers loved being able to see the machine in person and we definitely picked up a few sales from the weekend. We even got a favourable mention on the Make blog, (although I always feel like I jumble my words when presented with any form of recording device).

More importantly than that we got to meet a whole bunch of regular friends and make some new ones. Newcastle locals were surprised to hear how far we had come since last year. Guys like Alan Mahon made the trip all the way from Ireland again just to be a visitor, and Sarah (@Chixors) and Ruth (@OMGoshShop) came out as MSRaynsford fans. It's wonderful to know people still find the site inspiring, I promise to make more of an effort to keep it updating with simple things (and svgs) like it used to be.

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