Foam Sword Blanks

This is not the project it should have been. I was supposed to be engraving this design onto the side of a blank sword (A 3 layer foam sandwich with a carbon fibre rod in the middle). I was supposed to mark the outline ready for cutting. The problem is that with the rod sticking out the end of the foam there was just no way to make the sword fit inside the 1200mm wide hole to get it under the laser head. It was really the wrong combination of thickness and size.

Plan B, I cut and engrave the swords as 3 separate panels and they get turned back into a sword when they are returned back to Eldritch. This was an option, right up until the moment I left Nottingham because even just foam blanks were 1100mm long.

Plan C, I cut the each layer in 2 parts, small enough so they fit inside my laser. 

As you can see, not everything works out as planned, This has left us with an interesting sandwich arrangement but I'm sure Simon will be able to work his magic in it. I shall post an update photo when the sword is completed.

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