Jumpstart me Carcassonne

Nearly a year ago I completed my Laser cut set of Carcasonne, it's been up for sale in my webstore but I am continually asked to release the svg file so people can cut there own. I normally share all my files but I have a few problems with this one, it took 160 hours to draw the base tile set and a further 24 hours to draw the river. I haven't been able to justify giving the file away but with the world being the way it is I can't sell it as a file to individuals because it only takes one person to share the file elsewhere and I've lost all control over it. So I've come up with this 'Jumpstart me' idea.

I'm asking for just £500 (not a lot of 200 hours of work) and when I reach that amount I will release the files to the general public. In the meantime you can purchase the files for just £10 and you get help us get towards the amount needed for general release.

Purchase the Carcassonne Files here

Current total £350 / £500 (Updated Dec 2015)

The small print
  • This is not a good way to recreate your own Carcassonne tiles. This is a deluxe version of the set and will cost far more than buying the basic set. 
  • If we do not reach the full amount by the 7th Novemeber, I will make the decision to cancel and refund everybody or accept the amount reached and release the files anyway.
  • The tiles are done with 3 cut operations, an etch, a low power cut and a high power cut. The low power cut can be very tricky to get right without cutting through the wood.
  • The files will come as svg, pdf and dxf. There were made in inkscape so svg is the native file type. pdf actually works as a universal file, the dxf imports into Lasercut 5.3
  • Lasercut 5.3 files can be supplied upon request.
  • This is not a full game it is a board game accessory, you should still buy an original copy to ensure you have the complete game.
  • Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, Z-Man Games or any other publisher please don't sue me for using your artwork, we just love your game and want to make our own awesome versions of it.

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