Project 52 Roundup

Well that was a fairly epic year and another stupid challenge. For anyone just tuning in I set myself the challenge of making 52 large items within 52 weeks. I later went on to define a large item as any project that took 10 hours or more. This was stupid because it added another 10 hours of work a week to my 32 hour day job, 2 small children, busy maker faire/LRP schedule and stream of internet orders. I ended up completing 51 items in 52 weeks (largely due to confusion about dates) and I finished the final item a week later.

I realised I'd fallen quite a long way behind in mid August, and I resolved to catch up by finishing things I'd started but that left me needing to complete 3 items a week. I kept the new pace up relatively well so I was a bit disappointed when I discovered the project finished a week sooner than I thought it did. I actually made 5 out of the 6 remaining items in that final week and I genuinely think some of it was my best stuff.

My favourite piece of the year is probably the Iron man veneer (shown above). I love the range of colours and things you can do with wood veneers and putting in the LED eyes really brought the whole thing to life. I'm pleased with so many things here though, the wood veener storm crows drawn by a talented friend and simply computerised by me, the shiny Iron man 3 Arc even if I didn't get it out to customers this year, and of course the range of Marble Machines.

Interestingly as I look back over the year some of my most popular posts weren't even part of this project.
Useless Machine Kits and the Drag Chain were just made in my spare time as well as dozens of other items that weren't large enough for project 52. Strangely, the most viewed posts of the year are the ones where I don't even make laser cut items.

I'd like to thank the people who have inspired me with suggestions, or commissioned me for specific pieces. Those items are an important part of this process I never would have thought of all these things on my own. I mustn't forget my wife either, particularly at the end she took on most of the household chores freeing me up to panic over something that was entirely self inflicted. I couldn't have done it without her.

I've listed all 52 items below and hopefully linked across to them from the images. If you find something broken then please let me know. 



























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