Childs Sunshine Alarm Clock

Eli sleeps with a little Gro Clock in his bedroom, for those that don't know it's an alarm clock the switches between a day and a night image so children who can't tell the time know when it's acceptable to get up in the morning. I would recommend them. Sadly I left ours at Grannies after the weekend and Eli wasn't keen to sleep without it. So I rummaged round the garage, found some parts I knew were out there and knocked together this arduino based version of the same clock. Being Arduino relied on the existing libraries to write the code quickly.

  • Power for the whole arrangement comes through the USB connection
    5V, GND from both the RTC and the Neopixel Ring are connected to the Arduino.
  • Data in from the Neopixel Ring connects to Digital input 2 on the Arduino
  • SCL of the RTC goes to Analogue input 5 on the Arduino
  • SDA of the RTC goes to Analogue input 4 on the Arduino
Full source is available for download from here 
  • The first lines of the setup function define the time that the alarm will go off
  • The RTC and Neopixel ring are initialised
  • Two alarms are created, one at the time previously specified another an hour later
  • The main loop of the program does nothing except create a delay that keeps the timer ticking
  • LightsOn function, creates the short sunshine animation when the alarm goes off
  • LightsOff function, switches the LED's back to night time colour

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